Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Production Log Week 1

We started off our coursework by looking at the mark scheme and assessing previous student's work. This is helpful as we know what we want to achieve and what we will try to stay away from in our own work. The mark scheme shows the four different levels for each stage of production. 

I have realised that there is not much difference between the levels apart from how much detail you add and how persistent you are with it. I have learnt that I must manage my time well, keep organised and stay on top of the work rather than rushing it, and it being unsatisfactory. By looking at the grade boundaries, I know what I want to achieve and what I could be capable of as long as I work hard. I have also noticed that I need to make sure everything ties in and actually goes together. 

 I will try to avoid getting behind and leaving my work to the last minute as the amount of work will mount up, where I wont be able to focus and spend the amount of time I wanted to on it. So I will try to keep up with the work and keep referring back and going over the mark scheme so that I don't miss any information that needs to be included.

He appears confident in what he is saying and doesn't really hesitate much at all which indicates that he has a clear understanding of what went well and what could have been better. He appears honest in his judgements, speaking of all the good points, but also what didnt go to plan. 

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